A small part of a bigger story

Melbourne Poets Union has been operating since 1977. In those 45 years we have seen many changes to the Australian arts landscape. We keep striving to put poets in clear view of modern Australia with events, competitions, print and online publications and all manner of opportunities.


Whats on next



  • All entries must be single poems, written in English, typed in a standard font (such as Times Roman, Arial or Calibri) in 12pt, and double spaced, with a maximum of 50 lines.
  • Poems must be the original work of an individual author, unpublished, not accepted or submitted for publication, and not have been entered in any other competition.
  • The author’s name or any identification must not appear on the same page(s) as the poem.
  • There is no limit to the number of entries an individual may submit.
  • Payment of the entry fee is preferred to be made online by bank transfer. Please transfer to: BSB: 063 010, Account Number: 1005 4087 (Melbourne Poets Union Society Cheque Account).
    Payment can also be made via PayPal. To do so, use PayPal “Send Money” facility to PayPal account: @melbournepoetsunionc
    In both cases, payment reference or payment details must state ‘IPC’ and author’s name, in order to validate a submission.
  • There is no limit to the number of submissions.
  • Overseas Submissions: The standard overseas payment in US Dollars is a flat fee: US$20 for up to three poems.
  • MPU reserves the right to publish the winning poem in their newsletter.
  • Amanda Anastasi is the Judge for this competition. Her decision is final.

Submission of poems

Please submit on this Google form: https://forms.gle/QECmq9KTSqSwFJex8

Scroll past the comp details to find the entry form.

Please note you will only be able to upload poems onto the form if you have a google account. If you don’t, please fill in the rest of the form but send your poems by email to the address below. Put ‘IPC’ and your name in the email header. Submit each poem as a separate doc.

If you cannot access the google form, you can submit by email instead, to melbournepoetsunion@gmail.com If you do this, please put ‘IPC’ and your name as the email header, and include the following in the BODY of your email:

  1. Your name, email address, phone number and postal address
  2. Number of poems submitted
  3. Poem title(s)
  4. Total amount of payment made
  5. Type of payment made (Paypal or bank transfer)

Do NOT include your name on any of the poems or in file names. Send poem/s as attachment/s (Word Doc) to the email.

ENTRY by form OR by email to melbournepoetsunion@gmail.com

Submit an unpublished poem (or poems) of up to 50 lines.

$15 first entry and $10 for each subsequent entry

Please send any queries to the email above


Melbourne Poets Union

Kevin Brophy

quote1Poets, we like to learn, and keep learning. And one of our finest teachers is Kevin Brophy. Kevin has a long history as a poet and educator, and is widely respected in both fields. Kevin Brophy

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